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By 17:09:00

Since the beginning of 2018 I started to make an effort to edit everything I have, making sure I would only keep the things I actually use and love. You've had your Mary Kondo and The Minimalists to give more enphasis to the minimalist movement but for me is about focusing on quality versus quantity. 

I love a capsule wardrobe, I'm not gonna lie, but I don't focus on numbers as I give more attention to things I really love. What happens naturally, is that after getting into the habbit of cleaning out my wordrobe at leats twice a year, I'm able to take a critical look into my clothing and just give/through away things I haven't used in the past year/season so that I can make space for new items and keep my look current.

As we aproach autumn, here is a list of what I really want to add in to my wardrobe this season.

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