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By 11:48:00

It seemed like a whole other world some time ago, but it is true, I am turning 35 tomorrow!!! Isn't it crazy?!? Different to many would think about becoming older, I love to add a year's baggage to the person I've become. You couldn't pay me enough money to be 25 again.

At 35 I know myself so much better and am much more certain of my choices. Also, I notice a switch on the way I prefer to spend my money. Loving experiences and great quality stuff. Quantity not only doesn't make me happy anymore, it actually gives me anxiety. A lot of it.

Having a great night in with a book a wanted to read for ages, a cup of my favourite tea and the best rose champagne truffles on the side it's the absolute dream for me right now. Uh and a day at the spa... or a great lunch at my favourite chateau which is about one hour drive from our home, for me, that's totally worth the trip.

I gathered a couple of items on my wishlist this last year and I wanted to share them with you:

Diptyque Candle Paris - Diptyque is already a very well known brand around the world for their home fragrance collection. To make sure we want to have everything they make - at least I do - they created a line of candles with city names that are only available in the boutiques. As you wouldn't suspect, I really want to have the Paris one. So bad I'll have to travel to the city of lights for it ;)

Dior scarf - I have the winter scarf that I got a couple years ago and I still use it whenever the temperature drops to under 15 degrees. This year I've been playing around with some other accessories as my dressing style is so basic. I think this neck scarf will give the "Je ne sais quoi" my t-shirt and jeans-uniform needs.

Jo Malone Velvet Rose & Oud - It's an update. Peony & Blush Suede during spring/summer and Velvet Rose & Oud during winter. You know, I love a rose scent because of its femininity but I could miss some punch of sexiness and both this fragrance give me just what I need for the different times of the year.

Fashion Icons - Another fashion book. What is it with them that I feel I need to read so many! Well, history. As I am returning to the basics and doing my best to have less stuff, the history of fashion, especially in Europe, will tell me we come from a time where people didn't have much because there wasn't much. I want to choose to have less and am very deeply influenced by the way people would choose the best quality about 100 years ago and know the history of fashion helps me to create a life a love to live, fashion-wise.

You might think I named quite expensive items for a somewhat minimalist. Well, making my choices carefully allows me to splurge on my favourite things and also, I've been saving for, let's say, the whole year for it. I'd love to tell you about my saving techniques, but that's a whole other post.


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