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By 20:35:00 ,

Since a couple years, the idea of minimalism has been surrouding my mind and the only thing that kept me from diving into it was that minimalism focuses on what you shouldn't do and shouldn't have but I wanted to go touwards the person I want to be, what I should do and choose for.

Reading a book called STUFFOCATION, I finally found an aproach to the idea of minimalism that matches my intention and that is to focus on experiences and not on stuff.

I used to be the person wanting to BUY every beauty product existing on the planet and a couple years ago the fun of it wasn't there anymore. Especially when I would buy all of that stuff and have no chance to use it because many products just don't suit my lifestyle.

Switching the focus and thinking about experiences and not stuff, I made this plan of investing in one beauty tratment every month. Instead of getting that new lipstick and eyeshadow pallet, I decided to put that money into nice experiences I can look forward to.

My goal is as simple as every other month something hair related and every other month a facial of some soort.

I descovered PAYOT still in Brazil but I really didn't find much more about it when I arrive in The Netherlands. After a visit to france, I was reminded how much of a great brand it is so I searched for it around the town and I found out my favourite salon offers most products fromt he line. Today I had my first facial after about 8 years, yes YEARS! It took about 1 hour and 15 minutes and  it was just AMAZING!!! I'll list the products used bellow and am planning on, slowly bu surely, add some PAYOT products to my beauty regimen!

Said all that to say this: I believe experiences really do make me happier that things! I had such a relaxed day after the treatment, I didn't even want to put on make-up the whole day. What are your favourite experiences to invest in?

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